This is a mid poly 3D model of a Ford F-150 RAPTOR 2014
About the model: Mid quality detailed product, reproduction of the exterior very closer at the real car, the interior is low poly and sintetized details of the real car.
Package includes:
Textures folder
*.blend file (Blender v2.82)(Native File)
*.obj file (with *.mtl)
*.fbx file
Note: The Model was done at Blender. At the native file (*.blend) are all the original materials ( Cycles Shaders) and modifiers (Subsurf) applied. The others extra files have the raw mesh ( without any Modifier) So you will need apply the (smooth mesh modifier) of your preffer software.
I hope you find this model useful for your projects, please feel free to comment and share!
Best regards...
All Images was rendered with Blender v2.82 using Cycles engine.